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About Me

“I love yoga - yoga is a transformational tool, a way of living with grace, love and inspiration. It is more than a physical workout, more than becoming flexible and strong. It is about how we can live our life in a positive way. I wish to bring these ancient, but more than ever relevant, teachings into the class.”

Anja first encountered yoga in her native Denmark in the late 1990s and from then on continued to practise and study various styles of yoga. Living in London she has studied and trained in the capital and her interest has brought her to India and America for further studies. Through yoga she discovered Ayurveda - translated as the Science of Life - and is a sister science to Yoga. Ayurveda is a practical application of keeping our body and our mind healthy through lifestyle, diet and if necessary herbs and body treatments.

She achieved her BSc and Post Graduate Diploma in Ayurveda from Middlesex University. She has completed the ayurvedic massage programme which is part of the degree as well as internships in Ayurvedic hospitals in India.

Anja teaches yoga to people from all walks of life, in classes, workshops and one-to-ones. She has also qualified as a pregnancy yoga teacher, gives ayurvedic advice and is a qualified massage therapist and aromatherapist.

"I feel very grateful for the inspiration and teachings I have received from all my teachers and students - who are amazing teachers. I thank Barbara Harding for her training and great understanding of mind and body, Swami Nirmal for her spiritual depth, Swami Janakanda for being down to Earth and reaching Space and Seane Corn for inspiration and sharing her enthusiasm and knowledge."

Om Shantih