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Ayurveda believes that body has a natural ability to heal itself. And we can aid this unique ability by investigating the constitution and current balance/imbalance of the individual. Every person is different and so every treatment is created specifically for that client's needs.

Conditions such as stress, anxiety, digestive complaints, weight issues and immunity concerns are some of the few conditions that may benefit from ayurvedic treatments.

Treatments can include lifestyle changes such as:
Diet advice
Daily activities including using oil massage, encouraging a balanced lifestyle and mindfulness.
Breath awareness or pranayama
Yoga asanas, postures which will benefit that specific person
Body work including various massage techniques, basti (enemas), shirodhara (oil application on the forehead) and much more.
Herbal preparations in tablets/capsules/teas/tinctures/wines

Anja has qualified in the BSc in ayurveda and is continuing her studies as a Post graduate in this amazing sister science to yoga. She has completed the ayurvedic massage programme which is part of the degree as well as internships in Ayurvedic hospitals in India.

Living Ayurveda

Diet and lifestyle advice from an Ayurvedic perspective can be incorperated into your Private Yoga Session or as a consultation on its own.

Ayurvedic Clinics:
Lavender Heal
189 Lavender Hill
London SW11 5TB
020 7801 0199

260 Balham high Road,
London SW17 7AW
07963 820 702 (Book directly with Anja)

Further details here.