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An in-depth consultation assessing your current health according to the ayurvedic principles. We will discuss your current and previous medical history, lifestyle and diet habits and then address the roots of any imbalances. Recommendations will be given on how to bring balance to your unique constitution through: diet, lifestyle and with the aid of herbs as teas, spices in your diet or supplements.
1st Consultation (60 min) £60
Follow up (60 min) £60

Body Massage (Abhyanga):
A full body massage using warm medicated ayurvedic oils. The massage is adapted to your constitution aiming to balance Vata (wind and air elements), Pitta (fire) or Kapha (earth element). The treatment lies in the technique and the medicated oils. Please notice that appointment time includes a short consultation.
60 min £55
75 min £65
90 min £75

Rejuvenating Face Massage (Mukha Abhyanga): 
A relaxing, de-stressing and rejuvenating treatment that feels luxurious but is highly effective for stress, anxiety, insomnia and sinus problems. The treatment can include nasya, the application of medicated oils to the nostrils, used for conditions above the clavicle including frozen shoulder, sinusitis and insomnia. Please notice that appointment time includes a short consultation.
45 min £45

Nasal Therapy (Nasya): After a stimulating massage and steam application drops of medicated oils will be administered to the nostrils, used for conditions above the clavicle including frozen shoulder, sinusitis and insomnia. Please notice that appointment time includes a short consultation.
45 min £45

Indian Head Massage (Shiro Abhyanga): Oil massage application to the head, face and scalp whilst seated. This treatment targets the areas where most of us hold tension: our neck, shoulders and face. Please notice that appointment time includes a short consultation.
45 min £45

Pregnancy Massage: Oil massage for mothers-to-be. Relax and unwind with a gentle massage relieving tension in lower back, neck, shoulders and achy legs. Please notice that appointment time includes a short consultation.
60 min £55

Please note:
Your skin/hair will be slightly oily after the treatment. Wear clothes that is suitable for the possible residue of oils.

It is essential to keep warm after the treatment - bring a hat/scarf to cover your head before exposure to the wind and cool air outside.
The treatments will continue to work after you leave the Clinic so take it easy, stay warm maybe indoors with no wind and cover your head when you go outdoors. You may be given advice on how to enhance the benefits and how to continue the after treatments at home. This may include the use of oils, yoga etc.