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Yoga Downloads

Please enjoy these FREE and paid for audio downloads. Before you start read the disclaimer and advice at the bottom of this page. Enjoy, Have fun and go with the Flow. (Published on
Sun Salute - warm up with a greeting to the inner and outer Radiance
Here is a couple of rounds of sun salutes. Enjoy your breath, your body and your inner radiance!

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Greeting the Sun for Pregnant Yoginis Sun Salute - for mums-to-be 
Enjoy movement, space and radiance. This is a sun salute for mothers-to-be. Make adjustments when needed and enjoy your growing body and growing baby as you practise.
Please read the advice before starting the practise. This Surya Namaskar is for pregnant women familiar to my teaching style and have a healthy pregnancy (from 14 weeks) with no complications.

Flow Yoga  
Enjoy a 50 minutes yoga class. We work and move with our breath through a sequenced flow class. Have fun and go with the flow!

Upside Down - half Handstand 
In this nearly one hour flow class we encourage strong alignment and core strength. We take the flow to the wall and prepare for handstands.
PLEASE KEEP A CLEAR WALL near you during this fun and invigorating class.
Please feel free to stay in shavasana as long as you like after this class...

Advice & Disclaimer

These classes are recorded live and intended for all healthy yogis and yoginis. If you are new to yoga it is advised to join a regular class so you can see and experience correct alignment and receive any advice which is suitable for you. However if you do have any medical conditions, recent surgery or pregnancy please speak to your health adviser and yoga teacher before starting a exercise regime. Pregnancy yoga is great for women from 14 weeks pregnant. Please do join a regular pregnancy class for specific advice. If you have any pelvic instability, pubis symphysis, sacroilliac joint issues or other issues please see a yoga teacher for modifications.