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Wednesday 16 September 2009

Sharing my thoughts...

I created this blog to keep in touch with you all; friends, family, fellow yoga students - yogis and yoginis while I am away in India furthering my studies in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Having been practicing yoga for more than 10 years now my practice brought me knowledge of yoga's sister science AYURVEDA (Ayur=life, Veda=knowledge). This is the traditional Indian medical system compromising treatments of herbs, lifestyle, bodywork as well as asana (yoga) and pranayama.

It was a workshop with the amazing Dr Robert Svoboda at the Sivananda Centre in Putney that inspired me - it was one of those moments of thinking "Yes, this it definitely what I want to commit to". And that is pretty big for me... Committing to a university degree lasting 3 years. And then the Post Graduate/Masters which you need to be a fully qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner. But now I am a BSc in Ayurveda (and those who knew me as a schoolgirl would probably not have thought I would voluntarily go to school again!). And now I am very nearly on my way to India to start my clinical practice which is part of the Post Graduate Diploma.

I have meet so many wonderful people sharing the teachings of yoga over the past few years. And although I may not personally know many of the yogis who join my classes, your energy and presence have made it a joy to teach. I will be looking forward to come back to the classes in January and will keep you all updated on where and when I will teach.

Stay in touch...
