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Wednesday 6 April 2011

Spring Workshop!

Spring Yoga Workshop

Feel prepared and supported to enter the summer by detoxing, eliminating and rejuvenating through yoga.
Sunday 17th of April 2011
10am-12.30pm £25

 We will move through a dynamic and flowing sequence of postures to stay grounded and stable as we start to let go of the dullness and darkness of winter.

Twists will help to DETOX and encourage elimination of undigested food material as well as “bad” habits, thoughts and emotional baggage.

As we let go we can surrender to the ‘now’ and just be still - in this part of the session symbolised through more restorative postures. In Hatha Yoga asana, postures, are the preparation for concentration and meditation so we will conclude with a meditative relaxation. 

Time to explore, understand and enjoy the alignment and energetic of your practice!

Please RSVP by email, in class or by PAYPAL (online)

Please join us the 17th of April, 15th of May and 26th of June for yoga immersion, movement, relaxation and breathing
What would you like to explore in you practice? Let me know on Facebook or email..

Have a listen to this Audio Class - for more letting go, detox and twists



Phone: 07963 820 702