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Monday, 17 May 2010

Living yoga - Embody Yoga

I have recently thought very hard about how to live, practice and embody yoga. I have had an amazing, transformative and very busy year. Getting married, then going to India to study at ayurvedic hospitals as part of my Post Grad in Ayurvedic medicine, spent time there relaxing and experiencing Southern India with my husband after 3 months apart. I came back to a very hectic time at university finally concluding my post graduate studies in ayurvedic medicine. Having handed in my assignments and done my exams I have some new found freedom.

I have a social life again, seeing my friends, creating and baking tasty cakes and meals. I enjoy reading - for pleasure. And yes that includes yogic and ayurvedic texts but reading for pleasure is very different from reading for university and exams. I am also spending time figuring out how to work: offering more yoga classes and ayurvedic consultations. Where, how and when...

But all these changes leaves the questions of how to live ayurveda and embrace yogic living. Finding time to practise asana, pranayama, meditate - when times are changing, when stressed, when busy, when tired... But I guess that is what yoga is. It is the journey of finding a way to embrace life and live it to the fullest. Of finding pleasure in life and seeking happiness. I know that after having practised asana I breathe better, I am more alert and more focused. So why is it sometimes so challenging to get on the mat on a daily basis?

A while back I went to a workshop with yoga teacher Mark Whitwell.  A very inspiring teacher who asked if we could commit ourselves to practising just 7 minutes every day. It sounds like such a small time to spend so of course that wouldn’t be a challenge! And it wasn’t - for a while. Getting into a habit takes about four weeks and I got into the habit  usually staying on the mat for an hour or longer - feeling great! However to break a habit takes... one day... Now I am once again committed to devote 7 minutes to my practise every day! Maybe 7 minutes of Sun salutations, maybe pranayama, a few asana and highly possibly a much longer practise!

I endeavor to inspire myself and possibly you as well by posting some sequences online. Keep in touch on my face book page (Anja Yoga fan page) where youtube clips will be posted for your inspiration and join me on this journey! Let’s commit to 28 days to get into the habit...