google7181070857721ad8.html Yoga Embodied: Optimum Health Ayurveda is a practical application of keeping our body and our mind healthy through lifestyle, diet and if necessary herbs and body treatments. Read more:

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Optimum Health Ayurveda is a practical application of keeping our body and our mind healthy through lifestyle, diet and if necessary herbs and body treatments.

Health is the absence of disease and cultivating happiness in body and mind! Disease and imbalances are usually formed by what we eat, the way we eat, our thoughts and the things we do. We might believe we eat healthily and exercise hard but our choices may not suit our unique constitution. In our stressful society where we are bombarded with contradictory messages of what is good or bad it is easy to get confused and out of balance.

Ayurveda believes that every one is unique and therefore our way of maintaining health or dealing with illness will be individual.

An Ayurvedic practitioner can help determine what foods, herbs, lifestyle and activities (including yoga) would be beneficial for you - to maintain and enhance your health, promote immunity, or when dealing with any form of imbalance or illness. You may benefit from a specific diet if you plan a pregnancy, after childbirth or are recovering from illness.

What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the traditional Indian medicinal system still practised in hospitals across India. Ayur can be translated as Life and Veda is knowledge or science. Hence Ayurveda is the Science of Life!

The aim of ayurveda is to focus on health and it is said that the ‘the best cure is prevention’. Living according to Ayurvedic principles is living according to your own individual constitution promoting health in body and mind.

You may seek advice because you have a certain ailment, maybe because you are feeling tired and sluggish, because you want to prepare your body for pregnancy or just want to start taking care of yourself. Ayurveda has and is being used for many reasons and is a way to live one’s life in balance - in body, mind, spirit, senses and emotions.

Consultations, Ayurvedic body treatments such as massage and personalised yoga programs can now be booked with Anja at Tulip Yoga Studio and Lavender Heal in Clapham where is also offers Yoga classes.

Anja also teaches yoga classes, pregnancy yoga and yoga at work in SW London. You can find further details on ayurveda and yoga on